カロリン・バコ・コマバ | Caroline BAGOT KOMABA



1983 – birth, Bordeaux, France
2011 – end of all kind of schools,
research of the sensitiv, using paper, clay, hairs, linen oil …
listening the voices of X.R, Jankelevitch, reading Gaston Bachelard, Jean Malaurie, Lao Tseu …
in a city life

2016 – arrival in Japan, mariage
2019 – removal in « the house of dreams », Ainosawa, mountains of Mochizuki, Nagano looking and eating the plants from the forests, cutting and knitting the Fuji & the fibrous Fuki, collecting shiragadayu nests & seeds of aburachan, drawing-painting while listening my son’s steps throughout the breathing multiverse of forests