Shinano Primitive Sense Art Festival 2024
The Hollow Water


August 30[Fri] – November 4 [Mon], 2024 (Exhibition)

Millennium Forest Festival: August 30 [Fri]

Eve Festival: August 31 [Sat]

Main Festival:  September 1 [Sun]


Lake Kizaki, Shinano Hall, Nishimaru Shinya Memorial Hall, Millennium Forest, Miasa Fresh Winds House, Donburako Studio and others in Omachi City, Nagano Prefecture


NPO Primitive Sense Company

Nishimaru Shinya Memorial Hall
Art Director

Nobuyuki Sugihara

Program Director

Taeko Mori


Masao Kusafuka, Ayaka Nakamura

Supported by


  Shinshu Arts Council [Nagano Cultural Promotion Foundation]

 The Agency for Cultural Affairs, Government of Japan, Fiscal Year 2024



Ando Eisaku, Asai Shinji, Ishizaka Gaishi, Kenji Usui, Okubo Yuka, Kaoruco, Kawamura Yusuke, Kim Bora (Korea), Kusafuka Masao, Kuroda Masayuki, Genryu Mima Taiko, Konuma Tomoyasu x yoluca, Komaba Takuya, Zai Kuning (Singapore), Sasaki Mina, Sato Hiromu, Sugisaki Haruna, Sugihara Nobuyuki, Suzuki Ayaka, Seo Takashi, Tada Masami, Tomatsu Atsushi, Toyoshima Sayaka, Dorothea Seror (Germany), Nakamura Ayaka, Nishina Masashi, Ha Jhonnam (Korea), Hamaguchi Sakurako, SiewMoi Tham (Malaysia), Mori Taeko, Yuki Yuko, LA SEÑAS, and others.

The Hollow Water

In its 15th year, the Shinano Primitive Senses Art Festival will be held under the theme ‘ The Hollow Water. The lake surrounded by mountains is a water-filled cave, and we aim to create a festival where all visitors can remember that, like the water that fills the lake, they are all expressors of all forms of expression by becoming empty and offering themselves to the land, like the moment the ears of rice sway in the wind hitting the surface of the water.

Primitive Sense

When people straightly face to the nature, primitive sense will return to our feeling. I think fine art is born at that moment. “Nature” is not only at outside of us, contains the life of ourselves, inherited from the origin of life. The true richness is that there is beauty normally in the living that has been inherited from the Jomon period. We will create a local “culture” by staying on the shore of Lake Kizaki, which is surrounded by the majestic nature of the Japanese Northern Alps, and creating expressions that can only be created by meeting local people who live there. It is to create a festival as a cultural boundary that connects the outside and the locals, connects art and tradition, and cities and regions.


Open Call 2024


Application details

Any genre is welcome. Anything that inhabits and evokes primitive sense.

1: Residency production

Artist fee of 20,000-100,000 yen and participation for the duration of the residency (12 Aug-2 Sept), including the period of the art festival (30 Aug-1 Sept).
Works created that can be exhibited will be exhibited from 30 Aug to 4 Nov.
*Artists in residence must be able to participate until the Feast on the evening of the main festival on 1 Sep.
*Budget will be determined by plans and transport costs. *A place to stay will be provided free of charge.

2: Exhibition participation

During the exhibition period (30 Aug – 1 Aug or 4 Nov),  you can participate in the exhibition.
*There is no budgetary support.

3: Festival participation

You can participate in the festival on 30 Aug, 31 Aug and 1 Sep. *Please apply for a plan to run the event with workshop participation fees or donations or sale of artwork or food sales and earn your own participation fees. Please participate by taking sales or workshop participation fees.
*There is no budgetary support.

4: Young artist’s quota

Participation in the residency period (12 Aug – 2 Sept), including the festival period (30 Aug – 1 Sept). Young artists who want to have the opportunity to present their work. Participation with the mindset that it would be good if they could have a meal. Participation while assisting with the arts festival.
*No budgetary support is provided. *A place to stay will be provided free of charge.

How to apply.

Please submit your plan in an A4 file or in any other way you wish.
*You may send your work.
*Please submit your primitive sense as if you were sending a letter.
Entries will not be returned.
Entries can also be submitted by e-mail, but the total size of all files must not exceed 5 MB.


1: Application form → download (pdf or word)
2: Plan proposal A4 file or free format
3: Images of previous works
4: Budget proposal, schedule and artist statement
Application period
20 April – 20 May 2024 (must arrive by 20 May)

Announcement of results

Scheduled for late June 2024

Residency period

12 August – 2 September 2024 (planned)


Plans will be decided by director Nobuyuki Sugihara, NPO Primitive Sense Company and Omachi citizen volunteers.



There are several ways to get here.

◊By Train:Shinjuku station (Express Azusa) →4 hours→Sinano Omachi Station.

◊By Car: Azumino Interchange →40mins→Sinano Omachi Station.

◊By Highway bus :Shinjuku Station→ 4 hours→ Shinano Omachi Station Alpico Bus.

Getting Nishimaru Shinya Memorial Hall from Shinano Omachi Station-JR (10 mins) 5 mins walk from JR Inao Station.





NPO Oganization Primitive Sense Company
NISHIMARU Shinya Memorial hall
E-mail :